

Overview #

This section is where assignments are managed, marked as complete, and graded.

  • Marking Assignments as Complete: Students or parents are responsible for marking assignments as complete. Once an assignment is marked as complete, it can be graded by an admin or teacher.
  • Grading: Only assignments marked as complete can be graded. Ungraded assignments remain in a complete or incomplete status.
  • Past Due Assignments: If assignments are not marked as complete by their due date, they will appear as past due on the dashboard and in reports.

Assignment Display #

  • Visibility: Assignments are displayed for classes that start in the next week. If no assignments are visible, check the class start dates.
  • Completed Assignments: Once assignments are marked as complete and the class end date has passed (by at least one day), they will no longer be shown.

Security and Privacy #

  • User Access: Users can only see assignments they have access to.
    • Admins and Managers: Admins and users with “manage all classes” or “manage all assignments” privileges can see all assignments across all students.
    • Teachers: Teachers will only see assignments for the classes they are assigned to.
    • Students: Students will only see their own assignments.
  • Grading Permissions: Users can only enter grades based on their assigned privileges. Students cannot enter grades.